Fernando R. Puente, MD

Fernando R. Puente, MD

Fernando R. Puente, M.D., a native of Central America, moved to Raleigh from New York City at the age of 12, graduating from Broughton High School in 1971. He is board-certified in dermatology and family practice.

Dr. Puente established Raleigh Dermatology Associates. P.A., in 1990 and began practicing general and cosmetic dermatology at that time. He received his B.A., Master of Science and M.D. from East Carolina University, then completed a family practice residency at the University of South Florida’s College of Medicine and dermatology residency at King-Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he served as chief resident.

Dr. Puente’s expanding and diversified practice afforded him the opportunity to research and design a skin rejuvenation center during the 1990s. He opened Skin Solutions in the spring of 1995 and later renamed it Skin & Cosmetic Solutions. Dr. Puente continues to enrich his medical education by attending the American Academy of Dermatology conferences and meetings as well as area lectures and seminars.

Dr. P, as his staff addresses him, enjoys music and photography and loves to celebrate good health and the great outdoors, often with his wife, Carol. Whether cycling, swimming, running or hiking, he enjoys fitness goals; completing 11 Ironman triathlon events, 90 marathons, 8 ultramarathons, and 15 Charity Bike Tours for Multiple Sclerosis. Presently, Dr. Puente and Carol train for the Pikes Peak Marathon in Colorado, held every August, a mountain trek with an elevation of 14,115 feet.

Married since 1977 to his training partner, he and Carol have three grown children who share their love of the outdoors and fitness.

In spite of all his fitness pursuits, Dr. P still loves his work and his patients as well as his community. Skin & Cosmetic Solutions hosts two Open Houses each year and a portion of the proceeds go to various charities in the community. Dr. Puente and Carol are especially passionate in their support for Families Together, a non-profit that provides homeless children and their families in Wake County access to permanent housing. A corporate partner since 2010, Dr. P looks forward to continued support for Families Together and its mission to help homeless families in Wake County.


General Dermatology Cosmetic Dermatology Mohs Micrographic Surgery