
UV Awareness: Protect Your Skin from Head to Toe

Jul 01 2021

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation comes from the sun and created sources such as welding torches and tanning beds. The term radiation refers to sending out energy from any type of source. Types of UV Radiation Scientists classify UV rays based on …

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The Best Summer Glow from HydraFacial

Jun 06 2021

There is a good chance that you have heard of HydraFacials, but perhaps you are not quite sure what is involved. It is a good idea to understand what happens during a HydraFacial before your first appointment so that you …

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Maximize Your Sun Protection

Jun 03 2021

Now that summer is here, millions of Americans will be spending more time in the sun than they have in months. Unfortunately, enjoying the sunshine without taking steps to protect your skin can result in painful sunburns, premature skin aging, …

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Spring Clean Your Skincare Routine

May 13 2021

Now is the perfect time for spring cleaning. As you’re clearing those dust bunnies and going through piles of clutter throughout your home, don’t neglect your bathroom counter, makeup drawer, or vanity—wherever you store your skincare products and makeup. It’s …

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Current COVID-19 Response

May 10 2021

Our country continues to face the ongoing threat from the coronavirus (COVID-19). As always, our #1 goal is patient care and, in an effort, to ensure patient safety and the well-being of our staff, we are asking that you proactively …

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May Is Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Do You Know Your Risks?

May 03 2021

Many people love spending time out in the sun, enjoying nature, and embracing life to the fullest. Yet, some are putting themselves at risk if they don’t know the dangers of skin cancer. Skin cancer, one of the most common …

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BOTOX® Is Not Just for Wrinkles

Apr 08 2021

Are you looking into ways to reduce your facial wrinkles? In that case, you’ve probably heard of BOTOX®. It is a toxin — crafted from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum — that blocks nerve signals when injected into muscles, preventing them from contracting. …

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The ABCs of Skin Checks: What to expect and why you play the most significant role in your skin health

Mar 31 2021

Spring is here, and the sun is starting to shine. Before you begin laying out this beach season, be sure to get your annual skin exam. Skin checks are an essential part of your healthcare. Skin checks for abnormal moles …

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Wash Your Face

Mar 12 2021

Washing your face is an essential part of your daily hygiene and skin care. Individualized in-office treatments and a good at-home routine is the winning combination to glowing skin. You can maximize your treatment results by taking good care of …

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Healthy Skin Habits

Mar 02 2021

This March, we are highlighting ways that you can take your skin into your own hands. The skin is the largest organ on our bodies but probably one of the most neglected. Even if you haven’t prioritized your skin, there …

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