
This Winter Tackle Your Dry Skin

Dec 01 2021
Posted in General News

2021 Holiday Gift Guide: 3 Cosmetic Dermatology Gifts Your Friends and Family Will Love This Year

Nov 19 2021
Posted in General News

Healthy Skin Awareness Month Means Taking a Closer Look at Your Skin

Nov 03 2021
Posted in General News

Breast Cancer Awareness: Finding Hope After Treatment

Oct 14 2021

The American Cancer Society states that 1 in 8 women in the U.S. – or about 13 percent – will develop invasive breast cancer at some time in their life. In 2021, an estimated 280,000 women will be diagnosed in …

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October is Eczema Awareness Month: Get Eczema Wise

Sep 30 2021
Posted in General News

4 Cosmetic Treatments to Try This Fall

Sep 21 2021

Fall is a great time to schedule cosmetic treatments — and not just to deal with any sun damage you may have accrued. The sun is less bright in autumn, making it easier on skin that’s a bit more sensitive …

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Acne 101: Teen Acne Treatments Don’t Work on Adult Skin–Here’s What Does

Sep 01 2021

Acne is generally associated with teenagers, but this skin concern doesn’t necessarily disappear once you reach adulthood. There is something known as adult acne that many adults contend with. If you have it, you’re not alone. It hits about 1 …

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Back to Business Botox®

Aug 21 2021

Summer is ending, and it is time to resume a normal work routine. With COVID-19 vaccination rates rising, businesses and schools are returning to regular schedules. As you’re getting more face time with family, friends, and colleagues, it is time …

Posted in General News

Soothe Your Psoriasis: Psoriasis Awareness Month Means Taking Steps to Treat It

Aug 03 2021

August is Psoriasis Awareness Month. During this month, it’s the right time to let others know about this condition, what it causes, and how to get help for it. Effective strategies for improving the appearance of psoriasis are available, though …

Posted in General News

3 Essentials for Your Natural Summer Glow

Jul 16 2021

Are you ready to embrace your natural skin this summer? The sun’s UV rays damage the skin, so it’s vital to protect the body’s largest organ before heading outside. Although sun-kissed skin gives the appearance that many desire, people often …

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