Preparation for Surgery
- Shampoo your hair the night before or morning of surgery, as your wound and initial dressing has to remain dry for 24 hours after surgery.
- If the skin cancer involves the eye and nose area, we suggest you have a driver on hand because of vision impairment due to excessive bandaging.
- The average length of time patients spend at the surgery center is four hours; you should plan to spend most of the day at the surgery center.
- Due to the limited space in our waiting room, we ask that you have no more than one person accompany you on the day of surgery.
- We do have refreshments available for your comfort; however, we do recommend that you bring lunch and any medications you may need throughout the day.
- If you smoke, try to cut down or quit prior to your procedure and for at least two weeks afterwards. This will impact how quickly you heal, as well as the appearance of the scar.
- Be well rested and eat a good breakfast, unless directed otherwise.
- Take your usual medications, unless directed otherwise.